5 Things To Keep In Your Mind Accessing Bank Lockers - Unity Bank

5 Things To Keep In Your Mind Accessing Bank Lockers - Unity Bank


5 min read  |  about 1 year ago

Bank lockers are a popular means of keeping your valuables safe and secure. In India, many people prefer the bank locker system to store their important documents, jewellery, and other valuable items. However, accessing a bank locker can be a daunting task, especially if you are doing it for the first time. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 things to keep in mind while accessing your bank locker in India.

Know the rules and regulations

Before accessing your bank locker, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the bank. Most banks have specific timings for accessing lockers, and you need to adhere to them. As an added convenience Unity bankoffers extended banking hours to its customers. You can also add or remove people who access the locker on your behalf.

Carry the necessary documents

To access your bank locker, you need to carry certain documents with you. These documents include your identity proof, address proof, and the key to your locker. It is advisable to carry a photocopy of your identity proof and address proof as well. This will help in case the bank requires you to submit any documents.

Keep your locker key safe

The key to your locker is extremely important, and you must keep it safe. Make sure to carry the bank locker keys with you while visiting the bank and keep them in a secure place at home. Losing the key can be a hassle, as you will have to get a new key made, which can be time-consuming and will incur an expense.

Inspect the locker before and after use

Before accessing the locker, it is important to inspect it thoroughly. Check the lock to ensure it is working properly, and there are no signs of tampering. After accessing the locker, inspect it again to ensure that all your belongings are intact. If you notice any discrepancies, inform the bank immediately.

Be mindful of security

It is important to always be mindful of you bank locker security. Avoid carrying too many valuables with you and try to keep a low profile. Do not share your locker details with anyone, and do not leave any documents or valuables unattended. Also, make sure you sign the locker register before and after accessing the locker.

Lockers are considered to be one of the safest places to store your valuables. By verifying your identity, checking the locker thoroughly, keeping a record of your locker's contents, and being vigilant, you can help ensure that your valuables are protected and secure.

About Unity Small Finance Bank

Unity Small Finance Bank is committed to making banking simpler and more accessible for everyone. Our services include Savings AccountNRI accountCurrent AccountFixed Deposits, and Personal Loans offering flexible tenures and attractive interest rates. We also offer financing options like MSME Loans and Microfinance to support businesses and underserved communities. Learn more about Unity Small Finance Bank here.

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