Salary Account -
Smarter Banking for Your Salary
Your salary account should do more than just hold your paycheck—it should work for you. At Unity Small Finance Bank, we offer exclusive benefits like zero balance requirements, high-interest earnings, premium debit card privileges, and seamless transactions to enhance your banking experience.
Explore Our Salary Account Variants
- Zero Balance Savings
No minimum balance needed.
- High Interest Earnings
Earn up to 9% on Fixed Deposits.
- Premium Debit Card
Rupay Select Debit Card with Complimentary airport lounge access.
- Unlimited ATM Withdrawals
Withdraw up to Rs 1,00,000 Per day, free at all ATMs.
- Zero Balance Savings
Hassle-free banking with no balance requirement.
- High Interest Earnings
Earn up to 9% on Fixed Deposits.
- Exclusive Debit Card Benefits
Rupay Select Debit Card with Complimentary airport lounge access.
- Higher Withdrawal Limits
8 free ATM transactions per month, ₹75,000 daily withdrawal limit.
- Zero Balance Savings
No minimum balance needed.
- High Interest Earnings
Earn up to 9% on Fixed Deposits.
- Special Debit Card
RuPay Classic Debit Card with exclusive brand discounts.
- Salary account Interest rates.
Enjoy High Interest rates on Salary account